Player and Spectator Code of Conduct

Players Code of Conduct

  1. Take responsibility for your own behaviour and performance.
  2. Compete by the competition rules and conditions.
  3. Never argue with the Umpire’s decision.
  4. Control your temper – no criticism by word or gestures.
  5. Work equally hard for yourself and your team – your teams performance will benefit and so will your own.
  6. Be a good sport.  Encourage and support your team members.
  7. Show respect for yourself, your team members, officials and your opponents and their skills.
  8. Behave in a way that respects the rights of others regardless of means of communication used eg facebook, email and SMS.

Spectators Code of Conduct

  • Spectators are an important part of the game and shall at all times conform to accepted standards of good sportsmanship and behaviour.
  • Spectators shall at all times respect officials, coaches and players and extend all courtesies to them.
  • Spectators shall lead by example and respect all players, coaches, umpires and other spectators. Physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
  • Spectators shall respect the umpires’ decision and shall not abuse, threaten or intimidate an umpire or match official. Spectators shall not show dissension, displeasure or disapproval towards an umpire or match official’s decision in an abusive or unreasonable fashion.
  • Spectators shall never publicly criticise umpires. Any personal concerns shall be raised with Club/Association officials in private.
  • Spectators shall support skilled performances.
  • Spectators shall show respect for opponents.
  • Spectators shall display appropriate social behaviour by not using profane, demeaning or derogatory language, or harassing players, coaches, officials or other spectators.
  • Spectators shall not throw any object.
  • Spectators shall barrack in a positive way.
  • Spectators shall leave the area tidy and free from litter or other mess.
  • Spectators shall remember that they are there to assist the participants to enjoy the game.
  • Spectators shall never ridicule mistakes or losses. Supporters are there to support not downgrade.
  • Spectators shall recognise and appreciate all volunteers who are giving up their valuable time.
  • The umpire may issue an appropriate warning card to the team captain of the spectators which are breaking the code of behaviour.

SBE Annual General Meeting
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