
Welcome to the 2025 Registration Process

Welcome to the 2025 Season!

The information below is designed to assist you with completing all registrations and uniform orders using the online systems for our club and for Hockey Australia/Hockey Queensland Registration.

Players in ALL Hockey Clubs are required to complete online registration for Hockey Australia/Hockey Queensland (through a system called RevSport) and their local hockey association, as this is a national requirement stipulated by Hockey Australia. This involves payment of Hockey Australia/Hockey Queensland fees through RevSport. Players are also required to register for their Club and pay Club fees.  Some clubs ask players to complete the Club registration as a separate process to the Hockey Australia/Hockey Queensland registration process.   

To Register for SBE Hockey players will need to complete two online registration processes and pay their fees in 2 separate portions.

  • Players must register online through the SBE website and can choose to pay this portion of their fees either by Bank Transfer, online by credit card or by cash. 
  • Players must also register online through the Hockey Australia/Hockey Queensland online registration portal (RevSport) and must pay this portion of their fees online by credit card or Paypal.  These fees cover player insurance. 

Simply follow the steps below on your computer or mobile device.

FairPlay Vouchers.  **PLEASE NOTE, FAIRPLAY VOUCHERS HAVE BEEN EXHAUSTED** If you are registering a child aged between 5 and 17 years inclusive at the time of registration, don't forget to check if you are eligible for the Qld Govt FairPlay vouchers! These vouchers are valued at up to $150 and can be used towards registration fees. Please visit to find out more.

Step 1 Register with South Brisbane Eagles Hockey Club

Read the information below before registering.


Important changes for the 2025 season:

  • Volunteer Levy & Volunteer Activities:  Members will again be asked to nominate their Club volunteer contribution at time of registration. They can still also choose not to undertake a Volunteer role or activity. From 2025, SBE has introduced a refundable $50 annual volunteer levy for members, which will be credited or refunded to each member upon completion of their volunteer contribution to the Club. The levy has been included in the annual SBE fees. Once a member has completed their volunteer activity they will be refunded or credited the $50 volunteer levy. Those who have opted not to volunteer, or those who fail to complete the volunteer activity which they nominated at registration,  will not be refunded or credited the $50. There is a family discount for the volunteer levy such that the $50 levy will only be charged once for families who have (a) 2 or more junior (U18) players and no senior (over 18) players registered; or (b) 1 or more junior (U18) player and 1 senior (over 18) player registered.  The $50 levy is payable for all players over 18, even if from one family.  You can read more about this in the SBE Volunteer Policy.   
  • Junior Player Uniforms:  Thanks to grant funding from the Queensland Government Active Women and Girls Program we have been able to secure funding for junior player uniforms (shirts and skirts only). For new players, there is the option to request loan uniforms for the season and return them to the Club at the end of the season.  For continuing players, where a child no longer fits their current uniform (shirt and/or skirt) and requires new items, there is the option to loan a shirt and/or skirt from the Club on the proviso that their current items are in great condition and are returned to the Club in exchange for the replacement items.  All players participating in the loan scheme are still expected to purchase their own socks.

Registration Process:

  • You will be asked to complete the Primary Member information - for Under 18 players, the Primary Member will be the parent/guardian. 
  • You will be asked to register the players. 
  • After you have completed the player registration, you will nave the opportunity to purchase uniform items as required through the registration process.  Uniforms being acquired through the loan scheme will be marked as $0. When ordering uniform items, please ensure you indicate via the drop down menu whether you have taken your uniform or if they are on order.
  • You will be asked to complete the payment. 
  • Once you have completed the SBE registration, a link will appear to take you to the RevSport registration step if you have not already completed Step 2 below. 
****Please note that the Casual 5 registration category has been discontinued by the Associations.  Anyone interested in registering for the Casual 5 category should contact****

Important Information about Payment of Registration Fees:

You will have the option to pay your SBE Club registration fees by bank transfer, online credit card payment or by cash. 

Click here to see the full break down of 2025 fees.  The SBE portion of the fees (either full or part payment) will be paid via the SBE Registration Link.  The Hockey Australia/Hockey Qld part of the fees is paid via the RevSport portal as outlined below at Step 2.  

Bank Transfer Payments

If you choose to pay by bank transfer, the process for doing this when you register is as follows:

  • Click on “Pay Later”
  • An invoice will be generated and you can choose for it to be emailed to you.
Club bank details are:

Account Name
South Brisbane Eagles Hockey Club
Account Number
Westpac Mt Gravatt
 Description      Please use payment reference number from Invoice 

Cash Payments

If you choose to pay by cash, the process for doing this when you register is as follows:

  • Click on “Pay Later”
  • An invoice will be generated and you can choose for it to be emailed to you.
Please email to confirm the arrangements for the cash payment to be made.
Online Payments

There is an option for you to pay online via credit card on our website at the time you register. You can pay either your full fees at sign on time, or you can choose to pay the minimum sign on fee, followed by regular part payments (see below for Payment Plan).

Payment Plan

You can opt to pay your fees via a payment plan. If you choose this option the minimum first payment must be paid by 28 February 2025

All subsequent payments must be made regularly, with the payment of all fees due by 28 July 2025.  

If you wish to pay by installments, please email the SBE Treasurer at to advise of your intention, so that your payment  plan can be approved and the schedule sent to you. 

Payment plans are below and minimum first payments are highlighted in red.

2025 payment plan


Step 2 Hockey Australia/Hockey Queensland Registration (RevSport)


In addition to SBE Club registration and fees, all players MUST register via the RevSport online registration portal to pay Hockey Australia (HA), Hockey Queensland (HQ) and insurance fees. This part of the process should be completed as soon as possible once you start training, and MUST be completed before a player can take the field on their first match.  

All non-playing coaches, managers, umpires and game officials should also register via this process, however, fees do not have to be paid for these members. 

The player fees paid via the RevSport online registration portal for 2025 are:

  • $170.44 - Senior Player (19+)
  • $125.18 - 10 Game Player Levy (Senior Casual) *
  • $135.03 - Student Player Levy (19-24 years)
  • $106.04 - Junior Player (9-18 years)
  • $41.54 - U9 Junior Player (5-turning 9 years in 2025)*

* There is no longer a 5 Game Player Casual registration category.  Players who wish to play only 5 games, will need to pay the 10 Game Player Levy for RevSport registration and should contact SBE to discuss their club fees. 
** To be eligible for the U9 Junior Player fee ($41.54) in 2025, children must be born in 2016 or later.  Players born in 2015 and who will turn 10 in 2025, must pay the Junior Player fee ($106.04).  

These fees must be paid online through the RevSport registration process as outlined below. 

When you land on the registration page, there will be two options: RETURNING MEMBER or NEW MEMBER.  Choose the RETURNING MEMBER option, unless you have never registered in RevSport with SBE or any other hockey club/association in Australia before in which case you will choose the NEW MEMBER option.  

For Senior players, after this step, you will have the option to choose FULL MEMBERSHIP  or GAME MEMBERSHIP.  Game Membership is for those players who wish to register as a senior Casual player. 

Note for Dual Players

You will need to register in RevSport for both SBE and your primary association/club. If SBE is your secondary club, you should register and pay the HA/HQ fees online via RevSport with your Primary Club first, before you register in RevSport with SBE as your secondary club. When you register in RevSport with SBE you will select the RETURNING MEMBER option. You will not be charged the HA/HQ/Insurances fees a second time. 

  • Please note that when you start the online registration form in RevSport for your secondary club, it will show a fee, however, providing you have registered and paid your HA/HQ fees through RevSport with your primary club, when you get to the end of the registration form, it should show a $0.00 balance and you shouldn't be charged. Please do not pay a second fee in RevSport, as you will have to go through a refund process to get your money back and an admin fee will be deducted.  If the dual registration process doesn't work as described, don't pay a second time and get in touch with us

Will you be coaching, managing, umpiring or doing tech bench for SBE and not playing?  You will need to register as a member in both the SBE system and RevSport.  You will not be charged any fees for this type of registration.

Junior & Senior Turf Participation session and Trials - SHC 2
SBE Come & Try Days - Grass Field 2
Grass Training - Grass Field 2
Junior - 5.30pm - 6.30pm
Seniors - 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Junior & Senior Turf Participation session - SHC 2
SBE Come & Try Days - Grass Field 2
Entire Calendar...